Common conversion unit table for refrigeration


Common units and conversion

1 MW = 1000 KW

1 KW=1000 W

1 KW=861Kcal/h=0.39 P

1 W= 1 J/s

0.1MPa=1kg/cm2=10m mercury column =100KPa

1 USTR=3024Kcal/h=3517W(冷量)

1 BTU=0.252kcal/h=1055J

1 BTU/H=0.252kcal/h

1 BTU/H=0.2931W

1 MTU/H=0.2931KW

1 HP(electricity)=0.75KW(electricity

1 KW(electricity)=1.34HP(electricity

1 RT=3.517KW

1 KW=0.284RT=860kcal/h=3.412MBH

1 P=2200kcal/h=2.56KW

1 kcal/h=1.163W

1 W=0.86kcal/h



1 CFM=1.699M³/H=0.4719 l/s

1 M³/H=0.5886CFM

1 l/s=2.119CFM

1 GPM=0.06308 l/s

1 l/s=15.85GPM

1 kg/cm2=105=10mH2O=1bar=0.1MPa

1 Pa=0.1mmH2O=0.0001mH2O

1 mH2O=104Pa=10kPa

(Thermal value of standard coal) Hc=8.14*103W.h/kg

1 MJ=0.034125kg (standard coal)

1 Nm3(natural gas)=1.2143kg(standard coal)

Common knowledge

1 kcal:1 kg of water temperature rise or fall 1 ℃ under normal atmospheric pressure,The heat absorbed or released is 1 calorie.

1 kilogram of ice gets 80 calories

The heat of vaporization of 1 kilogram of water is 539 calories

4 ℃ water density is the largest

EER/COP/IPLV,refrigerating capacity /Ratio of heat output to input power.EER means compressor,COP means system,IPLV means weighted average of energy efficiency under different loads.

IPLV=2.3% * A+41.5% * B + 46.1% * C+10.1% * D (weighted average)

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